Beasiswa AMINEF S1 dan S2

Community College Summit Initiative Program (AMINEF)

This new international educational exchange program enables individuals from Indonesia to study at a community college in the United States to develop professional skills. Eligible fileds are Agriculture, Applied Engineering, Business Management and Administration; Health Professions, including Nursing; Information Technology, Media, and Tourism and Hospitality Management.

To apply to the program, candidates must:
1. Have completed a high school education and have a valid high school diploma;
2. be currently employed or have relevant work experience in the field in which they are applying;
3. have English language skills that provide a basis for enrolling in academic coursework following approximately 8 weeks of intensive English language study in the US;
4. submit a complete application (original one and two copies);
5. have an Institutional or Prediction TOEFL score of 500 or equivalent.
Note: Applicants with Bachelor’s degree are only eligible if they are applying in a field different from the field of their degree. Applicants with MA or PhD degrees are not eligible to participate.

The program will provide funding for round trip airface to the US; a living allowance during English language, academic, and practical training program components; tution cost; health insurance; and cultural enhancement activities.

Applications are available at the AMINEF offices or can also be downloaded from the AMINEF website

Submission of Application
Please submit your application materials (original one and two copies) to:
Gedung Balai Pustaka Lt.6
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No.4 jakarta 10720
Telp. +6221 3452016-3452018 Fax. +6221 3452050

For additional information, contact
We do not accept email applications. Hard copies must be sent or delivered to AMINEF
Deadline: December 1, 2007

Source: kompas, Minggu 26 Agustus 2007

44 Responses to Beasiswa AMINEF S1 dan S2

  1. re berkata:

    i wish i could be one of receiver AMINEF SCHOLARSHIP, in order to finish my post graduate.

  2. Septi berkata:

    I hope i can get it. i m working at NGO international about Disaster Management

  3. Shinta Ismaya berkata:

    I wish I can be able to get scholarship from AMINEF.But can you explain to me,WHAT DOES THE FACULTY Which I must get?
    And how about the TOEFL?

  4. Shinta Ismaya berkata:

    If I get scholarship from AMINEF
    How about much money for life there.It must Me or AMINEF which will give it?
    And how about minimal score of TOEFL?

  5. Isabella berkata:

    I wish i can be able to get scholarship from Aminef. Now I preparation IELTS. Can I use IELTS score?

  6. monika berkata:

    hemm, now i;’m in colleg
    i d3 multimedia in stikom surabaya
    i wanna keep going until s1 n s2
    in multimedia or communication design

    can i send an application

  7. Neny berkata:

    Dear Sir,

    Where can we get the form ?

    Thanks in advance. your response is highly appreciated.

  8. ami berkata:

    i interested with aminef programs, i’am undergraduete student of malang state university, and i want to continue my studies to overseas on marketing managements programs, would you give me some advice, my latesr toefl score only 442, i know it’s not enough for your term.. but i need some advice.. thank’s for appreciating

  9. if I get scholarship from AMINEF, so I can get prestise from my friend and my parents. I’m sure they will be happy to me.

    now, I must think about to take TOEFL sertificate

  10. mad sholeh berkata:

    i want get teacher scholarship from us

  11. Hanna berkata:

    what university and in what program i will enter if i get this scholarship?

  12. pengen bea siswa berkata:


    masi lama yak penerimaaannya

  13. desmaria syafrul berkata:

    aku lagi skripsi neh jurusan farmasi universitas tjut nyak dhien Medan. rencana mau nyambung S2 diluar. maybe you would give me some advice. i hope i can get it. thanks

  14. nia berkata:

    saya masih kuliah S1 jurusan Manajemen,di Universitas Negeri Surabaya.IP saya sekarang 3,4.sekarang sudah semester 5.saya ingin melanjutkan kuliah S2 diluar negeri.tolong saya diberi saran.saya ingin mengajar jika sudah selesai kuliah S2.Berapa IP minimal yg harus dicapai?Please give me advice about good college on Australia.apa saya punya kesempatan untuk dapat beasiswa???
    thank’s for your advice.

  15. Masrul Purba Dasuha, S.Pd berkata:

    Medan, 22 Oktober 2007

    Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

    Saya yang yang tertanda di bawah ini:
    Nama : Masrul Purba Dasuha, S.Pd
    TTL : Pamatang Bandar, 06 Juni 1981
    Alamat : Jalan Pelopor No. 25 Teladan Timur Medan.
    Jenis Kelamin : Pria
    Pendidikan Terakhir : S1 FKIP UMSU Prog. Studi Pend. Bahasa Inggris.
    IPK : 3,16
    HP : 081376382002

    Melalui surat ini, saya mengharap kiranya ada institusi/instansi yang berkenan memberikan saya kesempatan gratis untuk melanjutkan jenjang S2 di dalam maupun luar negeri dengan target program studi Linguistics.

    Keinginan ini sudah lama saya pendam di dalam benak dan hati saya, namun saya merasa barangkali itu hanya sekadar impian dan angan-angan yang mustahil dapat saya capai. Mengapa demikian? karena saya terganjal oleh ekonomi, demikian juga orang tua saya di kampung juga mengalami hal yang sama, yakni terjepit oleh ekonomi.

    Bayangkan saja, ketika saya ingin melanjutkan studi S1 ke Kota Medan, orang tua saya terpaksa harus menjual sawah agar niat saya untuk kuliah dapat mereka penuhi. Dalam menjalani perkuliahan, untuk meringankan beban orang tua, saya pun mesti tinggal di mesjid selama hampir 2 tahun. Di samping itu, saya juga mencari tambahan dengan mengajar mengaji Al-Qur’an dan private les anak-anak. Selain itu, saya juga di waktu libur sering mengisi kegiatan demi menambah biaya hidup di perantauan, saya harus bekerja sebagai seorang kenek bangunan, penjual telur. Namun terakhir ketika saya duduk di akhir semester jaringan saya bertambah karena saya mulai aktif mengikuti sejumlah organisasi, dari situ pengalaman dan relasi saya bertambah. Lantas, kehidupan ekonomi saya sedikit terbantu, karena saya sudah mulai bekerja dengan lebih baik. Kala itu saya bekerja sebagai wartawan di sebuah majalah Muhammadiyah, namanya Gema Tajdid: dari sana karir jurnalistik saya menanjak menjadi wartawan di sebuah media harian terkenal di Sumatera Utara, namanya Medan Bisnis.

    Di samping memenuhi kebutuhan pribadi dengan penghasilan yang pas-pasan, sejak awal kuliah saya juga harus ikut membantu biaya pendidikan 2 orang adik saya dan itu berlangsung hingga saat ini.

    Waktupun berlalu, saya pun akhirnya berhasil menamatkan kuliah saya. Saya sangat bersyukur kepada Allah swt, karena tanpa-Nya saya mustahil bisa mendapatkan itu semua.

    Keadaan sulit seperti ini sudah lama saya alami, dimulai sejak saya duduk sebagai santri di sebuah Pesantren. Namun demikian, saya berpandangan kesedihan dan kesusahan bukanlah suatu hal yang perlu dikeluhkan, karena hal itu merupakan cobaan, tantangan, liku-liku dan variasi hidup yang harus dijalani setiap manusia. karena, banyak fenomena terjadi yang berawal dari kesusahan berakhir dengan kesenangan. Dan tidak sedikit pula fenomena yang berawal dari kesenangan, ternyata di masa depannya berakhir dengan kesusahan.

    Akhirul kalam, sekali lagi saya bermohon kepada Bapak/Ibu pengelola dana beasiswa untuk dapat kiranya mempertimbangkan permohonan saya ini. Atas Perhatiannya, sebelumnya saya ucapkan terima kasih. Wassalam

    Medan, 22 Oktober 2007

  16. beasiswa's freak.. berkata:

    point number 4:
    Submit a complete application–>>>>Howz?????what?? what should i complete??what application?what form??

  17. melihat iklan bea siswa saya jadi bertanya tentang kejelasan sistem belajar disana, karena banyak teman yang mendapat besiswa tapi tak ubah bedanya dengan Lembaga Pendidkan Di indonesia, sayangkan setelah mengeluarkan uang untuk hidup sehari2 tapi lulusan ga di perhitungkan tolong bisa di chek lagi untuk universitas luar yang memberikabn bea siswa, brkompeten tidaknya

  18. Yohanes berkata:

    I’m a senior high school teacher with bachelor degree in english department from Petra Christian University, is there any scholarship for master degree in art? especially in literature and in teaching or communication? thank’s for the information I hope I’ll get this scholarship I’ll try my best

  19. anak unair berkata:

    saya kuliah di UNAIR fakultas Hukum, semester 5, saya sangat berharap mendapatkan beasiswa keluar negeri…..i hope U can help me plisss

  20. Radietya.A berkata:

    Im a college student in a faculty of medicine University of Jenderal Soedirman, now im in third semester, may I continue my study in USA by AMINEF scholarship, and How??

  21. Mr.X berkata:

    could i get every latest information sent in my email

  22. i forget my name lately berkata:

    hey you guys, don’t ask people to help everything,i think this information is helpful enough to be counted on. do print the application form on keep fighting, c u in u.s

  23. eka askafi berkata:

    I’m (student in Magister of Public Heath Airlangga University Surabaya) still. . . waiting 4 your information

  24. raheeno berkata:

    Hii, there one thing that I would ask to U, does Associate’s degree have the same level as S1 degree in our country,thank’s for Ur answer

  25. adi berkata:

    when i saw your advertise, iam interested with aminef programs, i’am bachelor degree student of UPN “veteran” Yogyakarta on FISIP Komunikasi Public Relation, and i want to continue my studies to overseas on Information Technology in US programs, would you give me some advice, my score on Transcripts is 3,29, and i have not Toefl score now, i know it’s not enough for your term, but i need some advice from you, thanks before, as your attention.

  26. amel berkata:

    huff…telat baca

    hiks2 >,<

  27. winantu_fkg_unair berkata:

    i’m a fresh graduated college student from dentistry faculty of Airlangga univ. (bachelor degree) and i wish i can continue to my master degree in US…anyone can help me?


  29. WASIS berkata:

    is there any valid info about this scholarship?? is it possible if still studying in university to get scholarship from AMINEF

  30. suwariyono berkata:

    saya sedang bekerja di salaah satu perusahaan swasta di surabaya.Pada hari sabtu saya libur,sayaa ingin bertanya jika ada informasi mengenai beasiswa mohon dihubungi.terutama beasiswaa S1.saya alumni tahun 2007.terimakasih

  31. Ratih berkata:

    I had sent my application form to your email, I hope you had received my mail. If i should send it by post, I will do it. But before that i should know when is the latest day. And If I passed the test,Does the scholarship for the year 2009 or this year?

  32. Yuli Rolijati berkata:

    Dear sir, I’ m very intersested to take scholarship in US, I don’t care wether I have to take from the beginning again. Right Now I’m working as Customer Service at IT company, I am very interseted about communication and Technology management. That is the main reason for me to study about Technology Information Mangement. I don’t have any background in IT but I’m willing to learn form the begginning that’s way I need informatio about schoolarship in IT Mangement in Bachelor’s level. Please send me any information about it. Thank you very much.

  33. Harjanti Nuswantari berkata:

    I graduated from Sint Carolus Academy Of Nursing in 1994. I had 2 years experienced in paediatric unit and 12 years in ICU. Can i get USA Scholarship in Nursing Field ? How to apply ? What is the classification ? Can you send me some information to my e-mail address ?

  34. fajrin berkata:

    i’m interested with this programs, i’m student of one of university in jakarta, i’m in faculty of letter,esspecially english literature, n i wanna keep going until i reach S1

    could i send the apllication letter?

  35. rihanna berkata:

    ada ga beasiswa tuk thn 2010 ne lulusan S1 ekonomi manajemen???

  36. rihanna berkata:

    ada ga beasiswa tuk thn 2010 ne lulusan S1 ekonomi manajemen??? makasih…. Gbu

  37. Ahmadi Abbas berkata:

    it just tell a lie…………………. don’t make us much hope to get scholarship from aminef

  38. Haisul islam berkata:

    i want to get it so much to continue my learning ….
    i want to ask how about the kinds of getting it…..
    please send in my e-mail….

  39. EvaMelisa berkata:

    owh,, I will ask For U all!
    there is Beasiswa Aminef this year?
    if yes,, so, please be knowed me…

  40. rismai diyanti berkata:

    i hope i can be receiver to scholarship, thats like my dream to get to around the world, and i hope it will success….

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