Beasiswa AMINEF 2008

American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF)


American Indonesian Exchange Foundation is pleased to announce availability of the 2009-2010 Fulbright Scholarships to study in the United States. Grants are competitive, comprehensive, and generally cover tuition and fees, textbook allowance, monthly maintenance, international airfare and health insurance. All disciplines and fields of study are eligible for a Fulbright award, EXCEPT medical filed in patient care or medical training.



  1. Master’s Degree Program


  • A Sarjana (S1) degree
  • A minimum GPA of 3.00 (4.00 scale)
  • Min. TOEFL score of 550

Dateline: May 31st, 2008

  1. Freeport Master’s Degree Program


  • Indonesian citizens from Papua who are faculty members at sate or private institutions of higher education
  • A Sarjana (S1) degree
  • A minimum GPA of 3.00 (4.00 scale)
  • demonstrated committed to the development and service of Papua
  • Min. TOEFL score of 500

    Dateline: May 31st, 2008

  1. Tsunami Relief Initiative Program


  • Tsunami reconstruction efforts of future relief development activities in Aceh, Nias and northern part of Sumatera
  • A Sarjana (S1) degree
  • A minimum GPA of 3.00 (4.00 scale)
  • Min. TOEFL score of 520

Dateline: May 31st, 2008


  1. Presidential Scholarship Program (Ph.D. Program)


  • Preference will be given to individuals who serve or plan to serve as faculty members of state or private institutions of higher education in Indonesia
  • A Master’s (S2) degree
  • A minimum GPA of 3.00 (4.00 scale)
  • Min. TOEFL score of 575. A score of 550 will be considered for certain fields

Dateline: May 31st, 2008


  1. Doctoral Dissertation Research Program

    This research grant is intended to provide U.S. research opportunities to Indonesian university doctoral candidates who are in the final stages of writing their dissertation. The grant duration is for a period of three to six months. Applicants should have a minimum TOEFL score of 575 to participate in this program.

Dateline: May 31st, 2008

  1. Senior Research Program
    This research grants benefits Indonesian scholars who have a doctoral degree or equivalent professional qualifications. The grant affords Indonesian scholars the opportunity to conduct research in the U.S. for a period of three to six months. Applicants should also be able to demonstrate sufficient English language proficiency to conduct research in the U.S.

Dateline: August 31st, 2008


  1. Foreign Language (Bahasa Indonesia) Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Program

    The program is for one academic year (9 months) and requires the grantee to teach Bahasa Indonesia at U.S. universities for up to 20 hours per week and to enroll in at least two U.S. studies and/or ESL methodology classes per semester under a full tuition waiver.


    • English language Teachers or currently in training to become an English language teacher
    • Applicants can be no older than 29 years of age at the time of application
    • Min. TOEFL score of 550

Dateline: November 3rd, 2008

  1. Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program for Mid-Career Professionals

    Hubert H. Humphrey fellowships enable Indonesian mid-career professionals to participate in non-degree programs that combine academic coursework at the graduate level with professional development activities in the U.S. for a period of one academic year (9 months).


  • Administrators in leadership positions representing either the public or non-provit private sectors, including Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) who are committed to public service
  • A Sarjana (S1) degree
  • A minimum GPA of 2.75 (4.00 scale)
  • Min. TOEFL score of 525

Dateline: May 31st, 2008

  1. Visiting Specialist Program

    The Fulbright Visiting Specialists Program provides grants for Indonesian scholars and practitioners to conduct intensive three or six week programs of teaching, lecturing and public outreach on topics in Islamic civilization and developments in the Muslim world. Participants may be in field of Islamic and area studies, political science, international relations, business and economics, history, women’s studies, journalism, sociology, religion, literature, anthropology, and the arts.

    Dateline: May 31st, 2008

  1. International Science and Technology Award for Ph.D. Study

    The AMINEF is pleased to announce the availability of approximately 40 awards to be completed worldwide under the aegis of International Fulbright Science and Technology Award for Ph.D. study at top U.S. institutions in science, technology, or engineering for the 2008-2009 academic year matriculants.


  • A Bachelor and/or Master’s degree
  • A minimum GPA of 3.00 (4.00 scale)
  • Undergraduate students who will complete the degree before August 1st, 2008 may also apply
  • Min. TOEFL score of 580
  • Min GRE quantitative score of 700 (GRE test will be requires if selected for nomination)

    Dateline: April 15th, 2008

  1. Community College Summit Initiative Program

    This program enables individuals from Indonesia to study at a community college in U.S. to develop professional skills. Eligible fields are Business Management and Administration; Tourism and Hospitality Management; Health Professions, including Nursing; Media; Information technology; Agriculture and engineering science.


  • Have complete a secondary school education (High School Diploma)
  • Have relevant working experience
  • Have English language skills that provide a basis for enrolling in academic coursework following approximately 6 month of intensive English language study in U.S.
  • A minimum GPA of 3.00 (4.00 scale)
  • Min. TOEFL score of 500 or TOEIC score 650

Dateline: November 1st, 2008

  1. International Leadership in Education Program (ILEP)


  • Secondary-level, full time teachers
  • Min.ITP TOEFL score of 500

Dateline: May 16th, 2008

For information, please send E-mail to:

Phone: (021) 345 2016

Fax: (021) 345 2050

Office Hours: 8:00 – 16:00, Monday to Friday

Application document can be downloading from:

AMINEF Website:

Application and specific questions regarding the application process can be sent to:


Gedung Balai Pustaka

Jalan Gunung Sahari raya No. 4

Jakarta 10720

(Only hardcopy application sent directly to AMINEF or via mail. No application sent via e-mail will be accepted).

37 Responses to Beasiswa AMINEF 2008

  1. Mury Ririanty berkata:

    Saya seorang mahasiswa S2 Program Magister Kesehatan Reproduksi dan HIV/AIDS di Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. Saat ini saya kesulitan tentang dana tesis, adakah beasiswa khusus untuk pembuatan Tesis? Jika ada bagaimana bisa saya dapatkan? Terima kasih….

  2. phiequn berkata:

    Thanks infonya

  3. fitria sari r berkata:

    saya ingin menjadi master dari IT.
    hanya beasiswa S1 saja.. selanjutnya akan saya usahakan sendiri dengan prestasi2 saya.
    harap diperhatikan

  4. Arsy Rianti berkata:

    Saya ingin melanjutkan sekolah S1 saya dan melanjutkan dengan jurusan yang sejalan dengan komunikasi..

  5. nurrohman berkata:

    bagaimana cara daftar beasiswa bagi orang yang tidak mampu?

  6. mayki berkata:

    I don’t understand how to apply it, can u suggest me, how should i do. and is there scholar ship for English language program?

  7. iZna berkata:

    kalo beasiswa buat SMA, gimana daftarnya?

  8. anna berkata:

    kapan lagi ada kesempatan untuk beasiswa lulusan sma?

    kalau ada mohon diinformasikan kepada saya, terimakasih

  9. Aero berkata:

    Saya masih kuliah tingkat 3, saya ingin sekali student exchange ke Amerika tapi bagaimana ya caranya?

  10. Aero berkata:

    Apakah ada program pertukaran pelsajar or training untuk mahasiswa

  11. eriga berkata:

    saya ingin beasiswa S2 dalam negeri saja untuk matematika atau tehnologi pendidikan, tapi IPK saya 2,97, ada ga ya ? please kabari ke email saya. Thanks b4

  12. eva yanti berkata:

    Nama Saya Eva Yanti SS, tamatan S1 Sastra Inggris, Saya merminat dengan program FLTA. Bagaimana cara saya mendaftar? Dimana akan saya dapatkan fomnya?
    Atas jawabannya saya ucapkan terima kasih

  13. ima berkata:

    saya berminat dengan S2 Psikologi dengan spesialisasi bidang industri organisasi fokus ke Assessment Center, bagaimana caranya?

  14. vina berkata:

    saya vina ingin tahu beasiswa jurusan sejarah ada ga???

  15. Beni Gunadi berkata:

    saya baru saja lulus S1 Teknik sipil ITB, saya ingin melanjutkan S2 di amerika, bagaimana caranya supaya saya bisa S2 gratis. Tk Beni

  16. rudy berkata:

    Info yang diberikan sangat bermanfaat, saya juga ingin berbagi info kepada rekan2 tentang beasiswa, rekan2 bisa melihatnya nya di

  17. mohammad syarif berkata:

    saya tertarik dengan beasisiwa S2 pendidikan, ada ga? minta infonya dong!!!

  18. yayan hst berkata:

    dear sir,
    I am yayan, i graduated in metallurgical engineerin. i want information scholarship at Tokyo university.
    thanks very much

  19. Konrad Amadeo berkata:

    Saya Konrad,saya sekolah saat ini di Damai.SAya kelas 3 SMP.Saya punya hobi adalah menggambar,saya suka menggambar dan mendesain sesuatu apa saja.Saya harap bisa dapat beasiswa di luar negeri.Thank you!

  20. Novelia Kolibu berkata:

    I am Novelia. i’m graduated from surabaya university 08 with major finance management and GPA 3.18. i want to know about postgraduate scholarship at USA or Aussie.. i am very interest in finance. can u give me some information? and hows to apply it??

    thx for your attention..
    GBU ^.^

  21. vera verischa berkata:

    hello,, i’m vera…
    aku pengen bgt nih dapet beasiswa untuk msuk school di luar negri..

  22. Erma yulis simatupang berkata:

    Nama saya Yulis, saya mahasiswa D3 Bahasa Inggris USU dan saya sgt tertarik dgn program beasiswa Aminef.Tp, ada ga program untuk Diploma karna saya ingin melanjutkan studi S1 ke USA dan ingin mengambil jurusan pendidikan..

  23. Lucas Bawamenewi berkata:

    bagai mana cara mendapatkan beasiswa tolong info aq dong

  24. diphenil tyocarbazon berkata:

    tolong ya……………. sajikan info terbaru mengenai beasiswa khusus bagi para mahasiswa science bagaimana cara mendapatkan beasiswa dengan cara yang mudah?????????????? terima kasi sebelumnya

  25. ika mustrikasari berkata:

    Saya adalah mahasiswa semester 6 UNAIR. Apakah ada beasiswa bidang Publich Health untuk fresh graduated dan beasiswanya full (biaya pendidikan dan biaya hidup). Persyaratan apa saja yang harus saya penuhi?Trimkasih atas infonya

  26. candra berkata:

    saya juga pengen dapet beasiswa kuliah ke amerika.. paling ga setahun blajar disana
    sekarang sedang kuliah semester5 prodi sastra inggris,,
    caranya dapet beasiswa gmn ya?

  27. Dyah Ayu Prima Rukmi berkata:

    saya mohon diberikan informasi mengenai beasiswa penuh untuk S1 Hubungan Internasional di Amerika untuk tahun 2011.

    terima kasih ata.

  28. Dyah Ayu Prima Rukmi berkata:

    saya mohon diberikan informasi mengenai beasiswa penuh untuk S1 Hubungan Internasional di Amerika untuk tahun 2011.

    terima kasih atas perhatiannya.

  29. quinta novita berkata:

    saya lulusan sma tahun 2009… pengen lanjut study s1 di amerika… trus cara dapat beasiswa dan juga bisa kerja part timenya bagaimana??? tolong dijelaskan. terima kasih sebelumnya

  30. ahmad fathoni berkata:

    saya toni di NTB, saya baru lulus Agustus 2009 S1 pendidikan b.inggris. bagaimana cara say bisa mendaftar untuk program S2 melalui jalur AMINEF? dan kapan batas waktu pendaftarannya? thanks a lot?

  31. jarmi berkata:

    saya jarmi dr surabaya saya baru lulus oktober 2009 jurusan pendidikan bahasa Inggris saya ingin dftar FLTA kapan waktu pendaftrnya?tank infonya

  32. muhamad saleh berkata:

    berapa orang untuk pertukaran pelajar ke amerika dari mahasiswa ikip mataram.thank a million

  33. ziyad berkata:

    I am Ziyad. i’m Student from geology n mining of academy, Bandung. now im in 3th years.. i will no longer finish it. i have a plan to continue in Aussie or USA.. So i want to know about postgraduate scholarship at USA or Aussie.. i am very interest in earth scientist exactly in geological science.. can u help me with give me some information? and hows to apply it??

    thx for your attention..

    best regards….


  34. andre berkata:

    saya seorang guru di daerah terpencil. adakah beasiswa buat saya ke amrik?

  35. Freddy berkata:

    I appreciate looking through your website.
    Many thanks!

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